How to Set Privacy — Who Can Reply to Your Tweets [How it Works]

4 min readOct 14, 2020


Hello, friends today I will tell you that how you can control who can reply to your tweet. I will show you how you can set the privacy of your tweets. Twitter is going to introduce some changes in reply to tweets they are going to control the reply now. Twitter launched twttr beta version. so let’s know about twttr.

What is Twttr?

Twitter created its beta testing app, called “twttr”, it’s so mysterious as if accessing it would give you access to some super-secret prototype version of Twitter (or at least what I was imagining ). The reality is that it is almost hopelessly similar to the basic, vanilla Twitter — but what are some of the changes in it, I appreciate. When I downloaded Twttr Beta, I was not quite sure what to expect.

I was pushing myself for unfamiliar faces, something that was fundamentally different from what I used on Twitter. Don’t know if Twitter’s fear of showing something that is too different from the public, or if it only keeps its development on a very tight leash. Either way, it took me a while before I noticed a difference between the two apps.

The most obvious change, and the most appreciated, is the threaded answer.

When you scroll down from the main tweet, you’ll see the answer and the answer in a Reddit-style indic system. While this leaves little negative space in the interface, it makes it easier to follow individual answer chains. At this time, you hope that your eyes will not be too tired to see the small vertical line on the left, which indicates the answer.

You really don’t realize how messed up the current system is until you see this improved version.

The sacrifice of this tidier system is that you can no longer see Like / Retweet numbers on replies until you tap them — however if I have been honest, I will pay attention to the numbers given on any tweet does not give the original one. If you care about such things, however, it is a disappointment.

Twitter will soon let you restrict who can reply to your tweets

🌎 Global — Anybody can reply
👥👥 Group -Only people you follow + mention can reply
👤👤👤 Panel — Only people you mention in the tweet can reply
🗣 Statement — Nobody can reply

- Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) January 8, 2020

Xie said that Twitter will give you four options to limit replies to different levels:-

  • Global: Everyone Can Answer
  • Groups: people you follow and refer to
  • Panel: People you specifically mention in a tweet
  • Statements: There is no answer

At CES, Twitter’s head Suzanne Xie said the feature expands on the already introduced ability to hide answers: “We think, okay, if we actually put more leverage in the author’s hands before the reality What’s going to happen? Giving them a method to actually manage the discussion room, because they’re actually writing a tweet?”

This gives you more control over your tweet responses. Twitter currently only allows you to hide responses to some tweets.

The most interesting here is the level of ‘statement’ for a tweet. I expect politicians, celebrities and other public celebrities to use that option. And as noted by Australian comedian Lewis Spears in a tweet, it can also be used to give controversial opinions.

Xie stated that to limit misinformation via tweets, you cannot seek an option to allow the company to retweet quotes. However, malicious quotes may be similar to (or worse than, retweet, as others may also see as harmful replies) effect. When you expand only a certain tweet, replies appear, the tweets that are quoted are visible to all followers of the person who is quoting.

Therefore, that may encourage more people to spread the original tweet and poison.

Some Twitter executives said during the session that the social network would provide more interactive features like a threaded response (which is currently being tested in the beta version of the service, Twttr).

To see what Twitter will do to improve the health of the public conversation. ‘The aforesaid control over who has responded to your tweet will cause many people to fear nuisance because they cannot participate in these conversations. This may be the reason for the increase in tweets of people whose tweets they may not agree with so that they are taking down. So let’s move to the main topic of our article. Let’s know how to set privacy who can reply to your tweets.

How to Set Privacy Who Can Reply to Your Tweets

So in this paragraph, I will tell you how to set the privacy for your tweets. I will tell you both for mobile and for computer how you can set the privacy/limit.

How to Set Privacy in Application Software

  • First, open the Twitter app in your device.
  • Click on Compose button.
  • Write Your tweet.
  • Click on Everyone can Reply to customize settings.
  • Now select the Privacy settings for your choice.
  • then Tap on Tweet.

How to Set Privacy for Web Version(Computers)

  • Now click on compose box.
  • Write your tweet.
  • Then Click on the Everyone can Reply to customize privacy settings.
  • Choose according to your choice(People you follow Or Only People you mention).
  • Now tap no Tweet.


I have described how you can set privacy who can reply to your tweets. Also, Give Complete information about twttr beta version like what is it and how it works. So tell us by commenting below, how did you like this new feature.

Originally published at on October 14, 2020.

